The STC Series Off-axis Newtonian Collimators from Santa Barbara Infrared provide superior performance in a compact, light weight, readily integrated package. These collimators accurately project targets at infinite focus for critical visible, IR, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR system testing.

The lightweight, rugged construction of these systems make them ideal for laboratory, production and depot applications.

STC Series Collimators integrate with SBIR’s Infinity Blackbodies and 300 Series target wheels to create the 14000 Series Target Projectors. These target projectors are available in many standard sizes to satisfy the test requirements of most sensor systems. Additionally, their modular design allows for easy customization of components.

SBIR also offers custom and built to specification collimators including large aperture, long focal length optical bench configurations, refractive collimators, portable athermal field/depot configurations and wide field of view systems.