IRWindows™4 from Santa Barbara Infrared is an advanced software tool that automates the setup, execution, data collection and results analysis for industry standard performance testing of infrared, visible and laser sensor systems. IRWindows™4 is the most advanced commercially available IR/EO sensor test software package in the industry today. It operates under Windows 10, and is delivered installed on a high-end PC computer platform with frame grabber(s) selected to support UUT video formats. It is also available as a software only package. IRWindows™4 combined with SBIR target projectors provides test engineers and technicians a turnkey, automated hardware/software solution for sensor testing.

The most significant features that differentiate IRWindows™4 from previous versions are:
•   Editable Tests
•   Wizards and Templates

There are also several features that are significant evolutions to its existing functionality, including:
•   Embeddable Operation (NI Test Stand compatibility)
•   Net-Centric Data Compatibility